Why does a dead body float on water?

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Why does a dead body float on water?

Why does a dead body float on water?    It is a matter of experience that a living person drowns in water, but after death his corpse starts floating in the water. Do you know why this happens? The amount of water an object can float on depends on its density and the amount of water displaced by that object. Generally, objects whose density is less than water, they float on water and objects whose density is less than water.  Over water, they drown in water. Simultaneously, the same object floats in water, by which the weight of the water displaced is equal to the weight of that object. The density of the human body is less than that of water, so a living human swims for a few moments after falling into the water, when his body is filled with water, his density increases and he drowns in the water. When a man dies, his body begins to float in water due to the production of gases. fruiting his body  The volume of the body increases, due to which the density of its body decreases, when the density of the body becomes less than that of water, the dead float on water.
It is a matter of experience that a living person drowns in water, but after death his corpse starts floating in the water. Do you know why this happens? The amount of water an object can float on depends on its density and the amount of water displaced by that object. Generally, objects whose density is less than water, they float on water and objects whose density is less than water.
Over water, they drown in water. Simultaneously, the same object floats in water, by which the weight of the water displaced is equal to the weight of that object. The density of the human body is less than that of water, so a living human swims for a few moments after falling into the water, when his body is filled with water, his density increases and he drowns in the water. When a man dies, his body begins to float in water due to the production of gases. fruiting his body
The volume of the body increases, due to which the density of its body decreases, when the density of the body becomes less than that of water, the dead float on water.

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